
Masonic Education Material

Recommended Readings

Grand Lodge Inhouse Library Catalogue    (click here)

↑- Click here to request individual books in Grand Lodge Library collection. An email request will be sent to the Office of the Grand Secretary.

Recommended Reading List

↑- This reading list is created by the Training, Education and Mentorship committee - Please note none of these books are freely available, they all must be purchased from the likes of Amazon etc. The complete list is valued at over $1000

MacKey encyclopaedia by Albert G. MacKey, M.D.    (click here)

↑ - New and revised edition. An encyclopaedia of freemasonry and its kindred sciences: Comprising the whole range of arts, sciences and literature as connected with the institution.

Canadian Masonic Research Association Papers    (click here)

↑ - The papers of the Canadian Masonic Research Association, 1949-1976. Papers 39-79

MSA Short talk Podcasts    (click here)

↑Short Talk Bulletin | Published by the Masonic Service Association of North America for almost a hundred years the MSA of North America has published the Short Talk Bulletins every month, discussing various symbols, lore, and Masonic historical figures and events, being the de facto “public face” of Masonry in North America.

The Skirret    (click here)

↑ - The Skirret is an extensiverepository for articles, papers, and documents of Masonic interest.

History of St. John's lodge    (click here)

↑ --The Book by R. W. Bro. William F. Bunting PGM - History of St. John's lodge, F. & A.M. of Saint John, New Brunswick : together with sketches of all masonic bodies in New Brunswick, from A.D. 1784 to A.D. 1894

Beyond The Northeast Corner    (click here)

↑- By Richard H. Sands Its purpose is to provide further light in Masonry for the newly-made Master Mason and his family. The only secrets of Freemasonry are the grips, words and signs and the verbatim ritual. Everything else you are free and encouraged to talk about, just do so in your own words.

Lectures and Presentations

Masonic Digests and More    (click here)

↑ - Material assembled by GLNB during the 40’s and 50’s

Pillar Certificate Lecture    (click here)

↑ - Pillar Certificate Lecture for a New Master Mason

Submissions    (click here)

↑ - submitted from Masons within our jurisdiction

Fun Quizzes

Lodge Jewels    (click here)

↑- Can you ID them all?

Entered Apprentice Quiz    (click here)

↑ - Questions that an EA should be able to answer

Fellow Craft Quiz    (click here)

↑ - Questions that a FC should be able to answer

Master Mason Quiz    (click here)

↑ - Questions that a MM should be able to answer

Officer Training

Worshipful Master    (click here)

↑ - Course and quiz for anyone wishing to know what’s involved in mastering a Lodge

District Deputy Grand Master     (click here)

↑ - Course and quiz for those curious or desirous to become a DDGM

Comments, Requests, Submissions or Recommendations

If you have any special requests, recommendations, submissions or comments, please click the CONTACT US form link below:

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