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A Worldwide Fraternity of Honorable Men

The fundamental principal of Freemasonry is that men have a responsibility to make the world better. This purpose allows Freemasons to go on a path of self-discovery to become better sons, husbands, and fathers. Millions of upstanding Freemasons walk this path after taking their sacred oath and develop a profound sense of community with their fellow brothers.

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Our Time-Honored Tradition of Making a Difference

Guided by the enduring principles of our fraternity, we make a profound difference for our brothers, our families, and our communities. As Masons, our commitment to personal growth and relief through philanthropy is based on the belief that each man has a responsibility to help make the world a better place.

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Why I'm proud to be a Mason.


Mark Walsh

Building Inspector

"I am proud to be a Mason and shall always be happy to number myself among those who uphold those cardinal principles and moral standards of life that are so needed if our organization is to continue on the high level that has been its character from its inception."

Thomas Roberts

Custodial Engineer

"Freemasonry found me at a time in my life when I need what it teaches most. Masonry saved my life and helped lead me in a direction I am proud of.

I found myself by finding my Brothers."

Eric J. Johnson


"I couldn"t imagine my life without the disciplinary practice of the principles which Freemasonry espouses. There is a subtle joy, derived from the lifelong developing ability to interpret life through the signs, symbols, and allegories of Masonry, which undercuts my conscience life. Within that joy, there is an immense satisfaction that I share this unique experience with a
wide and varied group of men from all over the world."

Nicholas X. Walsh

Contemporary traditional illustrator

“Freemasonry encompasses morality, spirituality and mysticism as well as the arts and sciences. Based on profound biblical models, here is a way of living and seeing which has the strength to unite mankind in a far deeper and more successful manner then any political movement ever could. Masonic themes have appeared in a number of my artwork. In addition to canvasses devoted to Freemasonry, I am frequently drawn to also include some Masonic subjects and symbols in my other paintings as well.”

Our Guiding Principles are:

Brotherly Love: We support our brothers on thier path towards excellence, care for thier loved ones in times of need. We come from all walks of life and embrace our differences.

Relief:  We uphold charity, community service, and good deeds to demonstrate our love for humanity and continue our journey of self-improvement.

Truth and Wisdom: We are committed to education and the free and open exchange of ideas. Our acquired knowledge and insights allows us to be better leaders, community members, and countrymen.

As Freemasons we embody:

Prudence - To demonstrate good judgment.
Temperance - To exercise control over our actions and desires.
Fortitude - To show strength in the face of adversity.
Justice - To act in good faith and respect the laws of our land.

Becoming a Mason Starts With a Conversation.

Men are first made Masons in their hearts, then they ask to join our Fraternity of thier own free will and accord then Freemasonry takes good men and help make them better.

Each man brings something unique to the Fraternity as well as shares a core of fundamental beliefs and principals to make the world, our community & oursekves better.

To become a Freemason you must:

• Be a man that is 19 or older (although women & younger people can join our related groups),
• Believe in a Supreme Being,
• A belief in the immortality of the soul,
• Live an ethical life
• Have a strong interest in the Fraternity with a desire to participate in our charities and activities.

All applicants must pay an application fee and be subject to a background investigation.
If you are interested in finding out more about the Fraternity of Freemasonry,we'd love to speak with you.

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