

For All Monthly Lodge meeting dates and times, click Here to Print out the calendar

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DISTRICT 1 (Saint John Area)

< align="justify" > < >
, Saint John

, Saint John

, Saint John

, Saint John

, Hampton

, Sussex

,Saint John

,Saint John

DISTRICT 2 (Moncton & Eastern NB)

< align="justify" > < >
, Riverview

, Moncton

, Shediac Cape

, Port Elgin

, Moncton

, Riverview

, Moncton

DISTRICT 3 (Miramichi & Northeastern NB)

< align="justify" > < >
, Miramichi

, Bathurst

, Campbellton

DISTRICT 4 (Northwestern NB)

< align="justify" > < >
, Woodstock

, Perth Andover

, Florenceville

, Grand Falls

, Plaster Rock

DISTRICT 5 (Southern NB)

< align="justify" > < >
, St. Stephen

, St. George

, St. Stephen

, Grand Manan

, Lambertville

DISTRICT 6 (Fredericton Area)

< align="justify" > < >
, Fredericton

, Fredericton

, Minto

, Harvey Station

, Boiestown

, Temperance Vale

, Fredericton

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