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Submissions by You
Here you will find various documents sent in from members. Many of these documents have been or can be used for educational purposes in Lodges.
Grand Historian: VWB C. William Cole
MWB James Vroom, M.A.
The Educational Presentation at the 2024 Inter-Provincial Lodge Day in Halifax
--------by GLNB Grand Historian: VWB Dr. C. William Cole ----------------------------
RWB Tim Yates -
Quality Lodges for Quality Masons
Brother Hans Erdmann:
--------Handout to accompany the lecture below -------- -------- -------- -------- ---- -
Ancient Charges
--------Main presentation on the Ancient Charges -------- -------- -------- -------- ---- -
Ancient Charges
A Tale of Two Pillars
Bah Humbug
Landmarks 101
Let There be Light
Sun and Moon
Symbolism 101
The Past Masters Jewel
The Volume of Sacred Law (VSL)
MWB Gordon Rattray -
Prince Hall Masonry